Beyond the surface – Female Surfer in India


Ishita Malaviya, India’s first female surfer, is visited by a group of unique surfers: Crystal Thornburg-Homcy, Liz Clark, Lauren Hill, Emi Koch, and Kate Baldwin. With an unwavering determination for a better world, they traveled through South India and documented how surfing, yoga and ecological creativity can mean hope and change for the local population and the planet.

The saturated hues of India set the scene for this documentary that will touch upon eco-tourism, youth and women’s empowerment, biocentrism and personal growth. They have integrated these causes with the pursuit of India’s perfect waves, highlighting the undeniable power of surfing to bring joy amongst suffering. Documentary-style interviews with the local Indian community, filmed by award winning cinematographer, Dave Homcy, has captured this rare and inspiring endeavor with the goal of sharing these stories with the global surf community and beyond. Homcy is best know for critically acclaimed work in Sliding Liberia, Surfwise, A Broke Down Melody, El Mar Mi Alma, Come Hell or High Water, One Track Mind, Shelter, and Dear and Yonder.

They intend to bring a spark of hope to the people they meet who face social disparity and suffering, and empower those without voices. All the while, they have discovered more about themselves, exchange life experiences and – through the medium of film – inspire others to seek a deeper connection to their fellow humans and to the wonder of nature.

„Someone once told me that whatever you hear about India is true. But the opposite is also true. India is a place of extremes… from the humidity to the bitter cold. India has the Himalayas as her crown and the ocean washes at her feet. Even love! You will love in ecstasy but the heartbreak will almost kill you. But it won’t actually kill you… because India is also a country full of resilient, innovative souls. India inspires me. Every time I stepped out onto the street… it is like my senses are on hyper drive but for an adrenaline junkie like myself… living in India is like always paddling out into a massive swell… you will experience incredible highs but you may find yourself in a gnarly wipeout… but that’s what you signed up for so you might as well enjoy the ride.” Emi Koch, Founder of Beyond the Surface International.

Beyond the surface, a Documentary Film Project
Presented By FREE-THEO Productions

Directed By Crystal Thornburg-Homcy & Dave Homcy

Sancho | Flores | Dorian @ French Chaos
Andy Irons, Surf Legend, World Master
Andi Irons Memorial
French connexion – Vive la France
Frederico Morais in Post-Classic
F&B: Wave Garden at Basque Country
Miyazaki Psycho – Lee-Ann & Tom Curren
Rusty New Arrivals Men 486 x 60